500ml:超商取貨可裝箱數量:6(預估) 植萃精油不易產生抗藥性,不含重金屬及農藥成分,高生物分解度,對環境友善。
免登記植物保護資材 植保製字第00658號
作用及特點(Effect and Specialty):
- 🔹表面張力佳,無須添加展著劑(No Sticker Needed)
- 🔹混合農藥使用可延長作用時間、增強其效果(Better Performance with Pesticide Mixed)
- 🔹用於防治植物蟲害的殺蟲或驅蟲劑,其作用機制包括忌避、胃毒(Used for Pests Effect: Repellency and Stomach Action)
防治對象(Efficient solution to prevent and kill):
Tetranychidae, Aphid, Scale Insect, Delphacidae, Leaf Miner, Aleyrodidae, Thysanoptera, Broad Mite, Citrus Rust Mite, Cicadellidae, Psyllachin-ensis, Stink Bug, Cutworm, Flea, Lymantria Dispar, Underground Pests, Defoliator, Pests.
- 葉面/葉背/枝幹噴施:稀釋500~800倍。(Spray on blade face, back of blade, branch, trunk:dilute it 500-800 times with water,)
- 一般7~10天噴灑一次,連續數次至害蟲密度降低為止。( Once for 7-10 days; spray several times till reduce insect pests.)
- 🔹使用前請先搖晃均勻(Shake well before use.)
- 🔹每種農作物對於天然精油會有其敏感性,建議先小面積試噴(Please try it out first for fear of inapplicability on irritable plant.)
產地:台灣 翔鈴環保科技 Marvel Clean Factory Co., Ltd. |